K2 250cc
Very nice condition yellow k2 250's. Only mod so far is razor cuff bolts and some old anti rocker wheels (not shown).
says (12 Jun 2013)
lol they should. I'm afraid I may end up having to sell them. REALLY tight on my right foot.
lol they should. I'm afraid I may end up having to sell them. REALLY tight on my right foot.
says (12 Jun 2013)
^^^dont do that...allow time for them to be broken in.....remove the toecap and skate them and see if any help.....if that does help get ready to mod them and leave the toecaps off
^^^dont do that...allow time for them to be broken in.....remove the toecap and skate them and see if any help.....if that does help get ready to mod them and leave the toecaps off
I have had some great times with these skates. These were great for starting out and I still think they have a good style to them. The only negative is the lack of replaceable parts.