King 55

Skates: Non-UFS K2 King 55, size 11 US

Frames: Fiziks w/ aluminum rocker arms in the front and back, w/ homemade UHMW hitchhikers

Wheels: Front and back - Franco Cammayo Eulogy's, 57mm 89a. Inner - 57mm blanks

Bearings: Bones Super 6 Swiss

I sprayed all of the non-white areas with a rubber truck bed liner. The skates were sitting in some dude's shed in Arizona for over 10 years, certain parts of the skates started to deteriorate. The truck bed liner worked wonders and is super resistant to abrasion.

I taped everything off with masking tape, but some seeped through. Kinda pissed because I can't get the stuff off where it isn't supposed to be, but these things skate beautifully. The King 55s really needed cuffs, if you weigh more than, say, 170 lbs.

I switched the instep strap on the left skate after I noticed it was on wrong.


joeycrax US says (07 Jan 2012)

what size are they and would you part with them???
k2rolla US says (08 Jan 2012)

They are size 11 US, and no, I won't part with them. Sorry :)

I saw your K2 collection, pretty impressive, I've owned all of those except for the Naturals.

I have the original Fatty Pros from them 90s, a red pair of the 250ccs, a yellow pair of the 250ccs, King 55s, Transfers and Varsity's.
joeycrax US says (09 Jan 2012)

thanks. i put the other 250 frames on my king 55's with a cuff, one problem that i ran into while skating was a pressure point on the ankle where the cuff screw is. both sides
k2rolla US says (09 Jan 2012)

I don't think that pressure point is from the cuff bolts. I removed the black plastic strap guards on the boot itself, as well as the brass lace hooks. They were digging into my ankles so bad!

Now that those are gone, I lace the skates up really tight, but only push the buckle through about 3-4 clicks, and tighten the instep strap pretty loose.

Also, I heat molded my boots in the oven for 20 minutes @ 200 degrees F, then put laces in them, the insole and a gel heel pad, laced them up as tight as I could stand them for 30 minutes, before I removed the strap protectors and lace hooks.
k2rolla US says (09 Jan 2012)

Also, I popped the toe cap off. I've updated the photo. Looks so much better :)
k2rolla US says (09 Jan 2012)

Nevermind, I guess the photos can't be updated. What the hell?
joeycrax US says (10 Jan 2012)

cool im going to try that.

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Category: Skates
Brand: K2
Model: UFS K2

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