
K2 Natural size 10 UK,
Bought on ebay for £45,Brand New - a steal!
Cut off the stock non UFS Frames, filed down flat, and drilled an extra hole in the frames to fit. Kizer Fluid 3 Frames.
Stock K2 Wheels and ABEC 5 bearings

Skates up for sale, any serious offers welcome.
email me - Kizer Fluid lll Team


sweetpea123456789 GS says (12 Nov 2009)

I have those wheels. Terrible wheels.
austin sullivan
austin sullivan 00 says (13 Nov 2009)

The setup is pretty sweet aside from the frame/wheel setup. Kizer fluids are probably the worst frames ever for flat and the wheels aren't too good either. Like i said the skate is pretty sweet though.
jimmytarnat 00 says (13 Nov 2009)

I have to disagree about the fluids, i have always skated flat, since it was possible ( my old RB Chocolates had to be anti cause there was no space in the middle at all, but my Salomons were designed for it ) and i think the fluids are almost perfect for a flat set up. The groove is perfect, and once you are locked on, you stay locked in, not like Slimlines that slide about everywhere! the perfect flat frame though in my opinion are the Kizer Element, because the H block has 2 grooves and can be turned over depending on what set up you like, one groove is Slimline style, and the other side Fluid style. Just my opinion, but as i have been skating since '95, I have seen a lot of different styles and ideas come and go, and i think with the amount of choice for parts nowadays, people dont realise how lucky they are to have those options available. Gone are the days when every week a new set of grindplates was needed to cover the Mamoth groove in your non replaceable stock frames!
austin sullivan
austin sullivan 00 says (14 Nov 2009)

I have been skating nearly as long as you (97) and remember skating flat back then as well. I had been skating flat on and off since anti rocker came about. If you think fluids are good for flat you should try 50/50 core balance frames, they are hands down best frames for flat. What a good flat setup is a moderate size h-block, shallow groove and alot of cover of the wheels. All of those don't fit in with kizer fluids yet fit the description of 50/50's to a "t". The only other frames i have skated that were as good as 50/50's would be fiziks with hitchhikers, which again fits that description (has the shallowest groove when new i can think of).
austin sullivan
austin sullivan 00 says (14 Nov 2009)

I even have my favorite setup i ever have skated on here. Finally found/made all the parts to build it how it was stock plus a couple new better features (home made UHMW 3 piece souls and home made UHMW hitchhikers). You can have a look if you would like.
jimmytarnat 00 says (22 Nov 2009)

Hey, if there are any K2 fans who want to buy an improved pair of classic K2 skates, let me know. i'm planning on selling these, just because i have got to many pairs and projects on now, and i can't really do much more to these. any serious offers considered.

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Category: Skates
Brand: K2
Model: UFS K2

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