Aragon 2

had some extra cash and decided to "kelso" my aragons jajaja

My newly refreshed A2's with:
remz 0802 cuff dyed aqua
aqua amall laces
featherlite freestyle frames
street artist 56/90 with reds
souls: white/black on left skate and black/white on right skate.

hope you like :) -


ryan6f7 00 says (19 Nov 2008)

They look gooooood!
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (19 Nov 2008)

thx bro :)
mitchell [RLB]
mitchell [RLB] 00 says (19 Nov 2008)

those are raw ;)
Justin US says (19 Nov 2008)

pretty cool idea
JamesWM2 GB says (20 Nov 2008)

You should try get a razor Gen cuff and do the same the Remz look wierd with the v-cut option on the back but Ace idea mate ;)
Angus690 00 says (20 Nov 2008)

wonder if them wheels r any good. sick custom tho with front n back souls opposite :nod:
xlarge 00 says (22 Nov 2008)

hahahaha a cute skate; a razors skate disguised as a usd kelso throne. nice
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (23 Nov 2008)

jajaja thanks! so far so good on the wheels. They are holding up quite nicely to a couple of street sessions in very rough concrete and pavement.
stubbsy 00 says (23 Nov 2008)

nice. the remz cuff looks pretty crap with the cut marks on it though. why not just get an original razors cuff and dye that?
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (23 Nov 2008)

cause i already had white remz cuff here and plus the original razor cuff is too high when compared to the remz and SL cuff
ninja9 AU says (23 Nov 2008)

the Remz cuff looks dope with the incisions through it, and looks like it would have a good mix of support and flex. they look good especially with the soul plates
TecniG 00 says (30 Nov 2008)

what size ??
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (01 Dec 2008)

US 10 ----------------------------
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (05 Dec 2008)

for those that asked earlier about the wheels, They seem to be holding up pretty average... definitely not like eulogy's but better than UC blanks and 4x4's

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Uploaded by: Ivan STI

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Category: Skates
Brand: Razors
Model: SL (Super Light)

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Uploaded: 19 Nov 2008
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