Remz OS LE modded

Remz OS LE with some cheap mid top chopped up and added to the shell. Lame toe strap removed. Wanted more of a shoe look, plus I have wide feet so when I'd tighten up the toe strap it would pull that piece of plastic too hard into my foot.


Justin US says (11 Jan 2012)

Thats awesome! Ive been wanting to do something like this for years.
Rgsn88 US says (11 Jan 2012)

Pretty easy, I just cut the sole off the shoe. Cut out the heel area of the shoe as you don't want it to push your liner forward or take up space it shouldn't. I cut mine straight down from top to bottom about 1/2 inch or so back from the highest lace hole on each side.

Remove the padding on the areas that will be inside the shell and cut the toe high so it doesn't take up space in the toe area **I actually didn't do this because I'm riding a 12 skate and normally wear 10-11, but I ordered large since I have wide feet and remz fit slim so it was a bit longer than my feet.**

Then just hot glue it to the inside of the shell carefully. I don't think I'll have much problem with it wearing out or getting torn since the sides of the Remz shell goes up the side of your foot. Hot glue dries quick and holds tight so after a few minutes you can put your liners back in and lace it up. The thinner the shoe, the easier it will be to do.

I hope that helps for anyone wanting to try this.
OLZO2010 00 says (08 Jun 2012)

look great but post more pics

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Category: Skates
Brand: Remz
Model: Open Shell OS

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Uploaded: 02 Jan 2012
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