team 09 FOR SALE

frame, buckles soulplates and backsideplates turquoise. Boots dyed - featherlite 2


TheGr8Revealing 00 says (30 Mar 2010)

not exactly my color scheme cup of tea but I really like it man. It looks as if you almost brushed the dye on. How'd you get two different shades of purple on the leather skin?
laocontte 00 says (31 Mar 2010)

i have used a product for dye leather of shoes manually for the more dark part
TheGr8Revealing 00 says (31 Mar 2010)

That is a great idea. Do you know where I can purchase such a product? On the internet or in a store.
TheGr8Revealing 00 says (31 Mar 2010)

Also what wheels are those? M1 Morales?
TheGr8Revealing 00 says (31 Mar 2010)

Sorry about all the questions, I just really like what you did to that skate. Did you use a leather deglazer to remover the shiny finish from the leather before you soak dyed the whole skate?
laocontte 00 says (01 Apr 2010)

wheels are "undercover Lomax", you can use acetone to remover the shiny finish, but it isn´t necessary. i dyed the skates with my new method: in the washer. the product to use manually on the skin you can buy it in a store that to repair shoes. Sorry for my english i am spanish.
TheGr8Revealing 00 says (01 Apr 2010)

Wow, you dyed the skates in your clothes washer?! Did you run it on hot? Had you heard of someone doing this before or did you just want to give it a try? I figured Acetone was the same stuff that was in the Leather Deglazer. I'll have to be careful not to get it on the plastic parts of the skate. When you brushed the dye on manually did you just use the included round brush that came with the dye? and your english is just fine. I appreciate all the responses.
laocontte 00 says (03 Apr 2010)

I don´t know someone that had dyed the skates with this method before, i am the first, my mum said me that i could do it and she was in the truth, the finish is perfect. it´s necessary that you do it with hot water (90 º or more). the plastic parts of skate take the colour very fast (4 or 5 minutes), for the skin you need more time. you put skates in the washer and activate it, when the water is hot you put water with dye for the same compartment where you put the detergent. after of dyed skates, you must do a wash putting bleach in that compartment to remove remains of dye in the machine.

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Category: Skates
Brand: Remz
Model: Skinned Boot

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Uploaded: 30 Mar 2010
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