Thisissoul custom Roces - Majestic 12 green

I work for a company that restores old aggressive skates and I resently worked on this Old school M12 to convert it to a modern UFS skate. Now for sale for just 70 euro.


smewp slompy
smewp slompy 00 says (18 Sep 2007)

i remember they released green M12's, correct? also, was there much damage drilling the permanent rivets out?
Thisissoul NL says (18 Sep 2007)

[quote=smewp slompy]i remember they released green M12's, correct? also, was there much damage drilling the permanent rivets out? [/quote] Yes, This is one of the original M12. There is no damage on the skate what so ever from the drilling. It's my job to convert these skates. The special thing is that this M12 is green. Damn I love this skate.
Justin US says (18 Sep 2007)

Besides popping the rivets out do you have to make any modifications on the boot to fit the UFS soul frame? Valo souls would just go right on right? Thanx for your help.
Thisissoul NL says (19 Sep 2007)

[quote=Justin]Besides popping the rivets out do you have to make any modifications on the boot to fit the UFS soul frame? Valo souls would just go right on right? Thanx for your help.[/quote] No, They wont just slip on. You have to put in a little work. The main problem is when the t-nuts rotate when you try to tighten the bolts. [quote=prettyboy]i want these[/quote] You can, just send me an email.
Majin-Kiisu 00 says (21 Jan 2008)

What is that skate in the background with no laces? are they all your skates?
Thisissoul NL says (24 Feb 2008)

It's a razors dunkle and yes there al from the ditissoul company. we have 67 skats right now
Thisissoul NL says (20 May 2008)

Yes you can.

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Category: Skates
Brand: Roces
Model: Majestic 12 NON UFS

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Uploaded: 18 Sep 2007
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All time ranking: 167 out of 4694
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