Oli Short 1
My Oli's with teh sexy Valo soulframe - Kizer Type M
says (31 May 2008)
ty for commenting :) jeah i'll get some black wheels in the near future... i put those on because my old ones rolled on cores lol and i had this usd realm wheels lying around :D oh jeah and i dont think i'll v-cut them my friend did it and it sucked so he had to buy a new cuff *-*
ty for commenting :) jeah i'll get some black wheels in the near future... i put those on because my old ones rolled on cores lol and i had this usd realm wheels lying around :D oh jeah and i dont think i'll v-cut them my friend did it and it sucked so he had to buy a new cuff *-*
Uploaded by: Marteria
Uploaded: 30 May 2008
Views: 3157
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All time ranking: 1857 out of 4698
Views: 3157
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very nice setup you should but the black wheels on it then their will be perfest and dont do v cut because it dont workat all