Roces Oli Short

Best ever - Alchemy frames


delnotpre 00 says (21 Aug 2007)

[quote=Guest]That's Pimp. <br><br>You take the fun out of searching that thing called the internet. soon enough all inline skate content will be hosted in one handy location. [/quote]<br><br><br>I don't think I take the fun out of searching. i don't know why these stupid idiot kids (such as "<span class=""><strong></strong></span><strong><a href="register.php">oteupai</a>")</strong> insult me when I'm just trying to add content to this site. and if there is an original source for whoever took the pics or whoever owns the skates, I'll write that too. But many times there aren't. But in the end, there are more pics being added to this site, yet these retarded kids (ie. "<span class=""><strong></strong></span><strong><a href="register.php">oteupai</a>") </strong>bitch and moan.<br><br>
delnotpre 00 says (21 Aug 2007)

[quote=oteupai] but i don't think that is fair that i come to these page to post some pics of my fucking skates, and see that a idiot like you already did! you are introducing here, wheels, frames, every piece of trash you see out there. and there is lot of people thinking the same i think. and you say that you are just introducing some content but that is fake! you never say were you gete the pics, many times you say the skates are yours! and about the "kid" i am sure i am older than you![/quote] HELLO RETARD, SINCE WHEN DID I CLAIM ANY OF THE SKATES WERE MINE? MOST OF THE PICS DON'T HAVE CREDITS CAUSE THEY WERE NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. SECOND OF MORON, CONTENT IS CONTENT IS CONTENT. WHAT? YOU WANNA A FUCKING 2 HOUR MOVIE OF SKATES? FUCK YOU, THIS SITE CONTAINS PICS, AKA CONTENT. AND LASTLY, WHEN AND HOW THE FUCK DID I POST ANY SKATES OF YOURS, YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT. IF ANYTHING, IF I'VE ALREADY SEEN THE PIC ON SKATESETUP THEN I WON'T RE-POST IT; I AIN'T DUMB LIKE YOU. AND MANY OF THE STUFF I POST AREN'T SHIT. EXCEPT FOR THE SARCASTIC POISEN SKATES AND NO-NAME GARBAGE I POST FOR FUN. YOU'RE TOO MUCH OF A INBRED 3RD WORLD FAGGOT WHO DOESN'T APPRECIATE ANYTHING.
wejkastein 00 says (30 Aug 2007)

wow noce job with the souls did you have to do anything to the boot to make them fit
nitm2k NL says (26 Sep 2007)

The skates do look real cool:)
rock 00 says (29 Nov 2007)

[quote=oteupai] i don't think that is fair that i come to these page to post some pics of my loving skates, and see that a idiot like you already did! and there is lot of people thinking the same i think. [/quote] [b]- GREAT ARGUMENT [/b]:nod: !!
Ix42 00 says (20 May 2008)

where can i get those frames in the US
FreedomOFfeet : OS
FreedomOFfeet : OS 00 says (18 Feb 2009)

man how do those frames skate, people are raving about them saying they suck, but i wanna good side of the frame deal

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Category: Skates
Brand: Roces
Model: Majestic 12 UFS

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Uploaded: 21 Aug 2007
Views: 4693
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All time ranking: 297 out of 4701
TOP 500 Skate


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