RB Alex Broskow 1
Fresh out of the box.
The color is great! - Rollerblade
Fresh out of the box.
The color is great! - Rollerblade
says (06 May 2008)
i can't believe the skins on this skate. why would such a legendary skater release such a shi-t coloured skin on his boot. "let's all skate about in fuckin-g my skates with vomit coloured skins with shi-t coloured highlights on them". they suck in my oppinion. good boot, fuck-tard skin
i can't believe the skins on this skate. why would such a legendary skater release such a shi-t coloured skin on his boot. "let's all skate about in fuckin-g my skates with vomit coloured skins with shi-t coloured highlights on them". they suck in my oppinion. good boot, fuck-tard skin
Uploaded by: SkateSetup
Uploaded: 28 Apr 2007
Views: 4963
Comments: 3
Bookmarks: 0
All time ranking: 1649 out of 4698
Views: 4963
Comments: 3
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All time ranking: 1649 out of 4698
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i love the broskows