Custom Deshi Soulplates on a Colin Kelso

[b]Fixing up your standard Deshi soul plate [/b] When you buy deshis you basicly have three options when it comes to soulplates: 1. Stock deshi souls: [list] [*]pro: best material out there. Slide perfect on anything [*]contra: heavy and ugly [/list] 2. Xsjado souls: [list] [*]pro: they look alright [*]contra: they are just to slow on torques[/list] 3. Throne dualsouls [list][*]pro: they look good [*]contra: too slow, no boot protection at all, the frame bends under the skate[/list] So when you buy a new Deshi you always have to consider the extra $$ that you have to spend on some new soulplate in order to get a decent skate. But there is a way out. This instruction shows you how to transform your moonboot Deshi soulplate into an light weight and sick looking soulplate. [b]Equipment necessary for building your soulplate: [/b] · Tools to unmount you skate · Something mark your soulplates: either a piece of chalk or a (shining) permanent marker (depending on the color of your plates) · Jigsaw or similar · Grinding machine ;-) or similar [b]DISCLAIMER: [/b] Working with these tools is a very dangerous activity. You can get injured or even killed using any of these tools! Make sure to read the manuel of the tool or ask your parents to do the job. We will not be held responisble if you get hurt, killed or if you mess up your soulplate! [b]Step 1 (Seperating the plate from your skate) [/b] First off, simply unmount your soulplate. [img][/img] [b]Step 2 (Marking and cutting part 1) [/b] Get your marker and draw lines on both of your soulplates as shown in the pictures. These lines indicate the cutting way for the jigsaw. [img][/img] Now take your jigsaw and get it running. [img][/img] Position the saw and than start sawing …. [img][/img] all the way through. [b]Step 3 (Marking and cutting part 2) [/b] Get you marker out again and draw the lines as shown in the pictures. [img][/img] [img][/img] Get you jigsaw and cut down the plate according to your markings. This is how it should look like after you are done with the sawingjob. [img][/img] [img][/img] Not really pretty at all, but we have still a couple of steps to go.. [b]Step 4 (Getting the soulplate into shape) [/b] Now you have already cut off all the unnecessary material that make your soulplate look clumsy. All there is left to do is to get the plates into good shape. This is where the grinding machine comes in which either you or one of your friends or your dad’s friends should have. [img][/img] grind it ;-) (no hesitation) [img][/img] puh, after the hard grinding session you finally get the result… [img][/img] [img][/img] a well shaped and sick looking soulplate, wait till you see’em on your skates, so… [b]Step 5 (mounting back your plates on your skate and enjoying the final result) [/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] With those soulplates on your skate you don’t ever have to worry about getting laugehd at for skating with a fat piece of chunk. Instead you can show off with your new sick looking skate that no one else has. -


SkateSetup DE says (26 Mar 2007)

[quote=m a t t / /]I'm gunna do something like that to my Deshi souls.. the Deshi soul is my fave when it comes to quality and performance over the USD and Xjsado plates... but it just looks like shit. lol [/quote] Hey Matt, please post the picture if your done with the skate. -Andreas
SkateSetup DE says (18 May 2007)

[quote=urkitos]it's nice. Here's is the result whith Colin Kelso 2<BR>[/quote] NICE WORK ! Now the don't even slide good; they even look good.
whitedime 00 says (17 Jun 2007)

nice job guys, deshiyoo how did you dye them white ?
whitedime 00 says (23 Jun 2007)

did mine up on my DK4, took about 20 mins with a hand grinder and a sawzall :)
nevernotrolling 00 says (21 Apr 2008)

[highlight=#cccccc]<quote> Throne dualsouls * pro: they look good * contra: too slow, no boot protection at all, the frame bends under the skate </quote>[/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]i couldnt agree more! throne dualsouls are shizer, i had some kicks 3's with them n theyre bent like fuc now[/highlight]
killerboot 00 says (24 Apr 2008)

i think yes
rollaablader 00 says (22 May 2008)

the same you can do at your valo soulframe, look at my jj1 velcro
SkateSetup DE says (22 May 2008)

[quote=rollaablader]the same you can do at your valo soulframe, look at my jj1 velcro [/quote] do you have a link? thx
olitill 00 says (01 Jan 2009)

dude nice job there i might do it to my spizers but i dont have a jigsaw or a grinder tag

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Category: Skates
Brand: Xsjado
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