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Member Since: 02 Jul 2008Last Seen: 02 Jul 2008
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3 Comments By inlineski
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23 Nov 2008 comment on Realm White INLINESKI Coversion
I bought it hope your guys enjoy this awesome ski. I took a ride it in ski resort, works pretty cool and worth of paying money.
I bought it hope your guys enjoy this awesome ski. I took a ride it in ski resort, works pretty cool and worth of paying money.
17 Jul 2008 comment on Roces skates converstion for Ski
It came up in Korea last year and there is a forum to share information about it. Surely I did Inline Skiing on snow last season. See video on with Keyword "Inlineski". very easy to convert your skates into Ski just by taking off wheels and mount your skates on ski plates. that's it...I hope you guys all enjoy this crazy winter sports on snow field.
It came up in Korea last year and there is a forum to share information about it. Surely I did Inline Skiing on snow last season. See video on with Keyword "Inlineski". very easy to convert your skates into Ski just by taking off wheels and mount your skates on ski plates. that's it...I hope you guys all enjoy this crazy winter sports on snow field.
[quote=DenZense]i wish i had those, do those fit any frame??[/quote] Yes, it is fit to any aggressive skates frame.