seeeeeeeek's Profile
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Member Since: 04 Jul 2008Last Seen: 04 Jul 2008
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5 Comments By seeeeeeeek
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seeeeeeeeks latest comments
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11 Jan 2009 comment on USD Classic Throne
size 10. so now everyone can feel free to leave messages about how they are boats and blah blah blah. come skate with me if u want to talk shit. out
size 10. so now everyone can feel free to leave messages about how they are boats and blah blah blah. come skate with me if u want to talk shit. out
11 Jan 2009 comment on usd classic trone allstar 09
two different color cuffs? and tongue out of an aaron feinberg 415 liner right?
two different color cuffs? and tongue out of an aaron feinberg 415 liner right?
11 Jan 2009 comment on rat tail
dont look like boats to me... i wear a L shell too and love em. used to fit a M shell but not anymore. cant help growth
dont look like boats to me... i wear a L shell too and love em. used to fit a M shell but not anymore. cant help growth
sorry guys. didn't mean to be defensive. i just read what guys write on other posts and didn't want it to turn into that