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Member Since: 22 Jul 2008Last Seen: 22 Jul 2008
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5 Comments By NuEraTJ
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NuEraTJs latest comments
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24 Jul 2008 comment on Salomon Rob Thompson custom
i will post my collection of skates and parts so if anyone wants to trade id like a size 7 if possible, pm me (sorry 606 need a size 7 for gens)
i will post my collection of skates and parts so if anyone wants to trade id like a size 7 if possible, pm me (sorry 606 need a size 7 for gens)
23 Jul 2008 comment on Salomon Rob Thompson custom
your comments mean alot, its taken a while for me to figure out how to get them to the way u see now. as for the precise liners, i had sinisters in there before that, i guess i just wore to shit so they hurt my ankles (they were good liners while they lasted). the JUGs hold my foot way better with lots of padding in the tongue hold ur foot down, the insole holds your foot nice and the memory foam wears in nicely. only been skating them for about a week and love them.
your comments mean alot, its taken a while for me to figure out how to get them to the way u see now. as for the precise liners, i had sinisters in there before that, i guess i just wore to shit so they hurt my ankles (they were good liners while they lasted). the JUGs hold my foot way better with lots of padding in the tongue hold ur foot down, the insole holds your foot nice and the memory foam wears in nicely. only been skating them for about a week and love them.
ill buy the boot if size 7