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Member Since: 25 Aug 2008Last Seen: 25 Aug 2008
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5 Comments By Matt_Icons
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25 Aug 2008 comment on Razors Flats
Cheers chaps and truesoul its not so much an addiction as a way of life!!! lol.....i have always enjoyed skating Razors so always trusted their skates!
Cheers chaps and truesoul its not so much an addiction as a way of life!!! lol.....i have always enjoyed skating Razors so always trusted their skates!
25 Aug 2008 comment on Razors Aragon 2
In my opinion if i had a choice now of pickin up my a genesys boot skate or a SL boot skate it would be no contest SL everytime!! They are a lot lighter on your feet and a lot more responsive, and as for the topsides they are awesome!!! Simply Awesome!! Go for it!!!
In my opinion if i had a choice now of pickin up my a genesys boot skate or a SL boot skate it would be no contest SL everytime!! They are a lot lighter on your feet and a lot more responsive, and as for the topsides they are awesome!!! Simply Awesome!! Go for it!!!
Nice one mate!!! Thats some custom work going on there!!!