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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 16 Oct 2008
Last Seen: 16 Oct 2008
2 Uploads Total
3 Comments By Pat P

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JJ1 Custom
JJ1 Tan Hemp Custom


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1-3 out of 3 comments
Valo Old Broskows
28 Oct 2008 comment on Valo Old Broskows

How hard was it to fit the skin over the boot?
Valo eb.1 white NO SKIN
28 Oct 2008 comment on Valo eb.1 white NO SKIN

So pimp. What size? You should check out my skinless Valos. Valo needs to come out with a skinless version of their skates.
JJ1 Tan Hemp Custom
28 Oct 2008 comment on JJ1 Tan Hemp Custom

I really like the M12 shell, but I like the lower Valo cuff and the Valo sole plate (what makes Valos so awesome). I have a size12 skate, and with the skins on they were loving HUUUUUGE. Besides, now I have pretty fresh skins I can always put back on the skates later. This is how I think M12s should come stock.

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