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Member Since: 17 Feb 2009Last Seen: 17 Feb 2009
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3 Comments By Thomas91
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24 Feb 2009 comment on Ch1 BlackWhite
yes of course they are extrem heavy but not soooo heavy! boot only they are heavyer then my old razors g7! i love the deshi ;) better then my old g7 :)
yes of course they are extrem heavy but not soooo heavy! boot only they are heavyer then my old razors g7! i love the deshi ;) better then my old g7 :)
24 Feb 2009 comment on deshi ch1 grey
nice setup but the white usd dual plate part is a little bit ugly on the skate! a black part would be nice ;)
nice setup but the white usd dual plate part is a little bit ugly on the skate! a black part would be nice ;)
hey nice skates dude! is the xsjado soul plate better then the deshi soulplate? i have an dual plate on my deshi and think about the deshi soulplate