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Member Since: 20 Feb 2009Last Seen: 04 Mar 2012
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4 Comments By kyle.lee
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26 Dec 2010 comment on icon 2s
hell yeah could u do the same with a 6-7 us shell and size 8 us jug liner in the razor sl
hell yeah could u do the same with a 6-7 us shell and size 8 us jug liner in the razor sl
15 Mar 2009 comment on g7s
[b]just ordered black v cuffs an jug vcut liners with green buckles laces backslide plate an gc f1 freestyle black/green freestyle white aragon wheels swiss bearings[/b]
[b]just ordered black v cuffs an jug vcut liners with green buckles laces backslide plate an gc f1 freestyle black/green freestyle white aragon wheels swiss bearings[/b]
nice skates. can you post some more pics