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Member Since: 02 Mar 2009Last Seen: 02 Mar 2009
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2 Comments By chasebauer
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03 Mar 2009 comment on Icons 2
The liners are really tall but I don't like v-cut liners because I don't like to feel like I'm fall backwards all the time. Plus the liners are jacked up a lot by the Salomon heel pad under them. And they skate awesome so I don't care what they look like.
The liners are really tall but I don't like v-cut liners because I don't like to feel like I'm fall backwards all the time. Plus the liners are jacked up a lot by the Salomon heel pad under them. And they skate awesome so I don't care what they look like.
I have a salomon heel pad underneath the liner and it jacks up the liner a lot. I took out the jug foot beds and replaced them with some sifika foot beds. And I have skated them for a couple of weeks now and the liners are starting to pack out above the cuffs so don't look as tall and skinny and gay. But these skate amazing and I recommend taller standard liners with v cut cuffs, you get all the support of a regular liner, better jumping ability of a v cut cuff and no pressure points.