razor roller's Profile
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Member Since: 07 May 2007Last Seen: 07 May 2007
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4 Comments By razor roller
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razor rollers latest comments
1-4 out of 4 comments
09 Jul 2007 comment on ARAGON
what liners are those r they the aragon ones in white or differnt ones ??
what liners are those r they the aragon ones in white or differnt ones ??
10 May 2007 comment on Razor stockwell
[highlight=#cccccc]those liners are ugly why would u want those[/highlight]
[highlight=#cccccc]those liners are ugly why would u want those[/highlight]
10 May 2007 comment on Razor Genesys 4
remzryder is a gay little homo who loves dick he got o3s he shouldn be talking those skate are mad old n will never be good again no matter what you do to them. hje should get new skate or stop skating:D
remzryder is a gay little homo who loves dick he got o3s he shouldn be talking those skate are mad old n will never be good again no matter what you do to them. hje should get new skate or stop skating:D
also how much money were them ?