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City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 22 Jun 2009
Last Seen: 22 Jun 2009
1 Uploads Total
4 Comments By doc t

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point 8 the purples


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1-4 out of 4 comments
Deshi Carbon black
04 Aug 2009 comment on Deshi Carbon black

smart thinking by protecting the deshi's. gotta love those skates
point 8 the purples
04 Aug 2009 comment on point 8 the purples

i was actually thinking of that since i have 1000 white laces lying around lol. [quote=webbie554]all you would really have to do is get some white laces and dye them. i would do blue probably [/quote]
point 8 the purples
02 Aug 2009 comment on point 8 the purples

i'll look around this week for some royal blue laces. i was actually thinking of putting back my old grey laces. what do you think? [quote=ryan6f7]blue laces to match the soul inserts and heel would look dope too[/quote]
point 8 the purples
02 Aug 2009 comment on point 8 the purples

you know what i am having a hard time looking for purple laces. i'll check other stores out and hope i could find something. [quote=ryan6f7]I like them, purple slimlines would look good as well. Maybe purple laces. [/quote]

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