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Member Since: 03 Aug 2009Last Seen: 03 Aug 2009
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3 Comments By Sam_Hawkins
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06 Aug 2009 comment on Deshi Carbon black
justin: i dont really think it looks retarded, not to mention the fact that RB souls are like twice the weight of deshi ones rollsonremz: cos they are not durable at all and they started tearing apart after two months already, buckles were goin to be fucked up in month, so i decided to do this, and i also like them more then before..
justin: i dont really think it looks retarded, not to mention the fact that RB souls are like twice the weight of deshi ones rollsonremz: cos they are not durable at all and they started tearing apart after two months already, buckles were goin to be fucked up in month, so i decided to do this, and i also like them more then before..
04 Aug 2009 comment on Deshi Carbon black
yeah, and also, many tricks look somehow sketchy and unstylish one those since they have so narrow heel part and are so small...this will fix that :D
yeah, and also, many tricks look somehow sketchy and unstylish one those since they have so narrow heel part and are so small...this will fix that :D
hmm at first i was amazed that the skins fit them, too...its nothing that hard, something like a soft boot from leather and fabric u dress on the skate and mount soulplates through holes in bottom of the skins and not, u didnt say its retarded, justin did :P