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Member Since: 20 Aug 2009Last Seen: 20 Aug 2009
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2 Comments By bcardoso
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21 Aug 2009 comment on VII Team with Classic Soulplates
Great setup ^^ I also want to do it to my seven, but I do not know what size soulplate I get that, I'm Portuguese and the size of my skate here is No. 45 and I think there is the 11 ... which the size of souplate I have to get so there is no gap between soulplate and boots?
Great setup ^^ I also want to do it to my seven, but I do not know what size soulplate I get that, I'm Portuguese and the size of my skate here is No. 45 and I think there is the 11 ... which the size of souplate I have to get so there is no gap between soulplate and boots?
PLease answer my question !! what size of souplates i have to buy to put in my Seven's nº11?