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Member Since: 06 Dec 2010Last Seen: 19 May 2011
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5 Comments By Skv012a
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Skv012as latest comments
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19 May 2011 comment on Xsjado
I like this idea. Whenever FS models start using regular damn shoes, we won't have to homebrew.
I like this idea. Whenever FS models start using regular damn shoes, we won't have to homebrew.
08 Dec 2010 comment on Basic 09 LE
As I mentioned, cheap and comfy. 175 for LE's, 25 for Kizers, like 5-7$ for bearings, 50 for Pumas.
As I mentioned, cheap and comfy. 175 for LE's, 25 for Kizers, like 5-7$ for bearings, 50 for Pumas.
06 Dec 2010 comment on Stockwell
Probably THE most comfortable and definitely most versatile skates out there, right? Love my 09 Basics.
Probably THE most comfortable and definitely most versatile skates out there, right? Love my 09 Basics.
So how do you like Elements?