mmmartin - 2486.jpg

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Country: DE Sweden
State: Skane Lan
City: Malmo


Member Since: 10 May 2011
Last Seen: 05 Sep 2014
4 Uploads Total
3 Comments By mmmartin

Latest Uploads

1-4 out of 4 uploads
Custom Morales
UFS 2.0
TRS Carbon Morales
Salomon ST90


TRS Carbon Morales
Salomon ST90
Estilo TRS

mmmartins latest comments

1-3 out of 3 comments
Custom Morales
30 Aug 2013 comment on Custom Morales

I removed the bumb at the rear UFS screw, heated the whole bottom with a regular har-air gun, when the plastic began to soften I assembled the Carbon plate and let it cool down, repeated until satisfaction.
Pretty easy and straightforward.
Five-piece frame
11 Sep 2012 comment on Five-piece frame

Looks like the old Metric protypes from ages ago...
TRS Carbon Morales
14 Jan 2012 comment on TRS Carbon Morales

It's a heavily modded and flattened TRS shell so the souls sits flush and are properly attached. Full write up coming, check soon!

Former / Old School Skate Manufacturers:


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