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Member Since: 26 Oct 2011Last Seen: 26 Oct 2011
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3 Comments By SamBishop
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SamBishops latest comments
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27 Oct 2011 comment on Argons
Yeah keeps your ankle locked tight...hard for most topside loose buckle like the old days. Think the skate must have been designed for vert skaters in mind.
Yeah keeps your ankle locked tight...hard for most topside loose buckle like the old days. Think the skate must have been designed for vert skaters in mind.
26 Oct 2011 comment on Argons
If any1 has any old Argon skates hanging around that they want 2 sell let me know...I need the hardware.
If any1 has any old Argon skates hanging around that they want 2 sell let me know...I need the hardware.
have you still got these?