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Member Since: 24 Nov 2011Last Seen: 24 Nov 2011
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3 Comments By DaFlashback
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05 Dec 2011 comment on Fatty Pro 2011 Custom
The Boot is us size 9,5 but i took a 10-10,5 Varsity Soulplate because the big wheels fit better in the back part. But i think a 9,5 Soulplate would fit too with some modifications. It doesn't matter which soulsize you use, you have to modify the side of the toecap because the varsity boot is slimer in the front.
The Boot is us size 9,5 but i took a 10-10,5 Varsity Soulplate because the big wheels fit better in the back part. But i think a 9,5 Soulplate would fit too with some modifications. It doesn't matter which soulsize you use, you have to modify the side of the toecap because the varsity boot is slimer in the front.
25 Nov 2011 comment on Fatty Pro 2011 Custom
Thanks. I forgot to say that they're very comfortable, durable and lightweight (Usually K2 is known for this)
Thanks. I forgot to say that they're very comfortable, durable and lightweight (Usually K2 is known for this)
Without big wheels i would recommend same size plates as the skate