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Member Since: 14 Mar 2012Last Seen: 25 Apr 2012
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16 Mar 2012 comment on my set up
cheers guy
ye the negitive grove just got ground away by the time i had ground enough away so the soul plate fitted the boot it was paper thin thought it was pointless and just got rid
no just got to remember how to skate again after a decade its funny i stopped skating the summer of 2001 when the salomon safari hit glasgow and now im back and rolling on salomons
cheers guy
ye the negitive grove just got ground away by the time i had ground enough away so the soul plate fitted the boot it was paper thin thought it was pointless and just got rid
no just got to remember how to skate again after a decade its funny i stopped skating the summer of 2001 when the salomon safari hit glasgow and now im back and rolling on salomons
sorry havent dun a how to but if you can take the naturals or 250cc apart then youl have no problem puttig this set up together
the biggest problem is getting the varsity part you cant buy the ufs heel cup soul so you only have 2 options realy find a second hand set somwere or the more extreme option ( what i did) buy a brand new set of varsity and rip the rivited and glued boot out