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Member Since: 25 Apr 2012Last Seen: 25 Apr 2012
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25 Apr 2012 comment on k2 natural with varsity soul
hi dude this look sick man, i have the remz 2.1, but i bought so size8 k2 naturals for £20 on ebay, then i found my ollllllld k2 250cc, anyway is there a step by step guide to do this mod, for i dont get have to attach the frame to the natural boot thanks
hi dude this look sick man, i have the remz 2.1, but i bought so size8 k2 naturals for £20 on ebay, then i found my ollllllld k2 250cc, anyway is there a step by step guide to do this mod, for i dont get have to attach the frame to the natural boot thanks