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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 25 Oct 2012
Last Seen: 19 Jan 2013
6 Uploads Total
2 Comments By mjjp7883

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1-2 out of 2 comments
M12 Custum Black n White n purple
19 Jan 2013 comment on M12 Custum Black n White n purple

I customized my old m12's...I put them on here about 3 months ago...nice setup
valo conversion
11 Nov 2012 comment on valo conversion

I have the blue tv2 skin but took it off as I think that looks better....I was gonna do the nimh soul cuz it looks mint...might still do it yet lol I'm always modding ma skates now, got ma gensto finish and some xsjados to start lol

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