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Member Since: 25 May 2014Last Seen: 17 Sep 2017
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2 Comments By frenchie
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19 May 2015 comment on need advice
Hi! Nice soulplate job -except the colour maybe. Argons look great stock, so you could focus on weight (definitely remove the straps), comfort (new liner and cuff maybe) and udpate them by fitting a UFS frame (never seen this on Argons, may be tough but worth trying). Best!
Hi! Nice soulplate job -except the colour maybe. Argons look great stock, so you could focus on weight (definitely remove the straps), comfort (new liner and cuff maybe) and udpate them by fitting a UFS frame (never seen this on Argons, may be tough but worth trying). Best!
These have found a new home in Germany. Maybe you'll see them again on one of Manuel's sick customs.