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Member Since: 13 Aug 2007Last Seen: 13 Aug 2007
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3 Comments By razor_jay
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razor_jays latest comments
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13 Aug 2007 comment on razors aragon
they are sick as fuck man shame theyre not real id buy them btw i have the g4.1s with green cuffs backside plate and anti rockers
they are sick as fuck man shame theyre not real id buy them btw i have the g4.1s with green cuffs backside plate and anti rockers
13 Aug 2007 comment on K2 Fatty Pro
[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=4]classics with cool souls but im not sure on the frames: s[/font]
[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=4]classics with cool souls but im not sure on the frames: s[/font]
[font="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#33cc00 size=3]the frames are the biggest ones you can possibly get but I have size 12 feet so nothing I can do![/font]