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Member Since: 14 Feb 2008Last Seen: 01 Apr 2017
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2 Comments By rockorulez
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28 Feb 2008 comment on How to V-cut your USD cuff
yo u dont even need a jigsaw i did it only with the saw of a pocketknife on some griptape the smoothen it . the result on my large cuff with the stencil is perfect in my opinion ill post it soon great work dude [img][/img]
yo u dont even need a jigsaw i did it only with the saw of a pocketknife on some griptape the smoothen it . the result on my large cuff with the stencil is perfect in my opinion ill post it soon great work dude [img][/img]
These are the sickest grindwheels ever !!! im riding them from '96 until today and they are still working perfect just look at them. They have been on several majestics, 5th elemtents and salomon st-8 and at least some thrones!!!