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Member Since: 13 Mar 2008Last Seen: 13 Mar 2008
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4 Comments By nf0513
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nf0513s latest comments
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16 Sep 2008 comment on My Skate collectionfor sale
i'm in iowa. can you please tell me what is the size(&price) for those salos and deshi ? and also the price with white remz v-cuff . thanx~
i'm in iowa. can you please tell me what is the size(&price) for those salos and deshi ? and also the price with white remz v-cuff . thanx~
21 May 2008 comment on stockwell 08
[quote=xlarge]i like them. how much will they be? [/quote] the same price with farmer
[quote=xlarge]i like them. how much will they be? [/quote] the same price with farmer
my bad~ i mean Spizer 2. and what is the size for the salo?