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Astibo's Profile

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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 31 Mar 2008
Last Seen: 31 Mar 2008
3 Uploads Total
3 Comments By Astibo

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Graal skate
TRS Acces
Farmer 08


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Astibos latest comments

1-3 out of 3 comments
Graal skate
11 Jul 2010 comment on Graal skate

I haven´t tried them yet. I´ll let you know as soon as I have spent a few hours on them.<br>But I can already tell you that they are the most comofortable skates I`ve had on my feet for quite a while.<br>
remz 03 or 04 for sale
15 Jul 2008 comment on remz 03 or 04 for sale

04 haffey. icq:482308312
Champion Pro Psirus
31 Mar 2008 comment on Champion Pro Psirus

can you please tell me how you made those sole plates. i also got a psirus and need some new sole plates. nice skate!

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