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Member Since: 31 Mar 2008Last Seen: 31 Mar 2008
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2 Comments By blueflowershorts
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31 Mar 2008 comment on Aragon 2
"do you feel they fit bigger than normal, or compared to the previous genesys boot?" These are my first razors so I can't really awnser that question. The jug liners really make them fit nice though. "i seen a few pairs in person those soul plate screws are DONE after a month of straight street skating. they mad all that new stuff and they couldnt figure to make soul plate screws sit deeper." I can definitly see that happening. so far that is the one bad point.
"do you feel they fit bigger than normal, or compared to the previous genesys boot?" These are my first razors so I can't really awnser that question. The jug liners really make them fit nice though. "i seen a few pairs in person those soul plate screws are DONE after a month of straight street skating. they mad all that new stuff and they couldnt figure to make soul plate screws sit deeper." I can definitly see that happening. so far that is the one bad point.
they are a size ten