


halcyon 00 says (21 May 2009)

Ok. 1st. Ergonomically and theoretically this is a probably the best skate on the market. But I don't think its gonna catch on. 1. There's no room for customization. 2. The liners aren't removable and that was a huge issue for the 1st deshi boots that came about. 3. They're not indestructable. Wut I mean by that is most skates u by rite now will last and last, that shit will tear as soon as u snag on something... the truth is, there are some skaters that don't mind a big skate and every skater wants a skate that u can replace parts and is customizable. And I swear to the good lord, if I hear one more person complain about how heavy a skate is or how lite they want there skates, I'm gonna go on a killing spree. Franky could 450 royale any rail in TRS Details and Able frames rolling flat. That's the heaviest a skate u could possibly roll. Well let me tell u dummb asses something. If u were to compare gen 1 able frames and kizer fluid frames, the weight difference is a few grams. And that's scientifically impossible to tell the difference between the 2..... long story short. Historically its always been 3 things that made the popularity of a skate. Customization, Frequency of new releases and the team. Look at who's dominating the sport.Remz, Razor, USD.
3M3M 00 says (21 May 2009)

[quote=halcyon]Ok. 1st. Ergonomically and theoretically this is a probably the best skate on the market. But I don't think its gonna catch on. 1. There's no room for customization. 2. The liners aren't removable and that was a huge issue for the 1st deshi boots that came about. 3. They're not indestructable. Wut I mean by that is most skates u by rite now will last and last, that shit will tear as soon as u snag on something... the truth is, there are some skaters that don't mind a big skate and every skater wants a skate that u can replace parts and is customizable. And I swear to the good lord, if I hear one more person complain about how heavy a skate is or how lite they want there skates, I'm gonna go on a killing spree. Franky could 450 royale any rail in TRS Details and Able frames rolling flat. That's the heaviest a skate u could possibly roll. Well let me tell u dummb asses something. If u were to compare gen 1 able frames and kizer fluid frames, the weight difference is a few grams. And that's scientifically impossible to tell the difference between the 2..... long story short. Historically its always been 3 things that made the popularity of a skate. Customization, Frequency of new releases and the team. Look at who's dominating the sport.Remz, Razor, USD.[/quote] BOOM ! +1
FuturaMFG 00 says (21 May 2009)

Ok you raise some good points. "Ergonomically and theoretically this is probably the best skate on the market." 1. It IS just as customizable as any other skate. Think about what most people customize on there skate! Laces, Straps, Souls (Deshi can fit lots of other Souls!). 2. You can't change cuffs or liners but why would you want to! these are the best fitting, most comfortable, slimmest, lightest (I know you hate that word, I'll get to that in a bit) skates I have ever had! The skate I would compare them to would be my 2002 black and gray Remedyz (no liners here either) but with good souls and comfort of a good fitting shoe. 3. No skate is "indestructible", they won't "tear as soon as u snag on something" because they are so slim it makes it extremely hard to hit anything! Also, It is made of quality material! Real suede leather (which can be repaired without seams if you do cut or tear it) and a Kevlar woven synthetic which is very snag, rip, and cut resistant. 4. Weight. Ok this is were you went horribly wrong. "Scientifically" the less weight you have on your feet the less energy it will take to skate. Why do all racers want light cars?, bikes?, shoes?, skis?, snowboards?, airplanes? ect! Physics! Sure "Franky could 450 royale any rail in TRS Details and Able frames rolling flat." But don't we want this sport to progress? wouldn't you like to see him and another 360 degrees to that? End points. Don't knock it till you try it. and, Get a physics degree. Ha ha ha<br>But seriously these skates are the best! Get some!<br>
halcyon 00 says (22 May 2009)

Ok. Since I didn't know as much about that actual skate as u did, such as wut it was made out of and so on, I will say that maybe I was a little hasteful to knock the skate down a knotch. I agree that a littler and lighter skate is easier go faster and jump higher there for giving of less energy but the the heavier the skate the the faster u spin. The weight carries the momentum of the spin with ur actual persons. ( u ever notice that know one spins anymore now than they did 6 years ago?) Hoang Phung was doin 540 souls back in 2001-2002 and probably before then..... yes I would love for the sport to progress even mofe htan it already has. I'm not saying that the skate is a step in the wrong direction. I'm just saying that the direction that its goin in mite be futile. Almost as if someone were to put anything anyone has ever wanted in a skate into a computer and the computer configured all the data nad cane up wiht that....... I have skated the carbons for a bit and its not my style. But I guess that's the happy medium at which we're both meeting. I haven't owned the skate for a year so I can't say that the boot and cushions will wear out quickly, but history says that it will....... to wrap things up I ask, why don't we just cut the bullshit and make a thick kevlar sock frames and wheels attached?
lloydsk8 00 says (22 May 2009)

Well just throwin this out there ( don't slaugter me Halycon, I enjoy breathing ) I gat da Cult 9 and honestly Im not sure how heavy or light a boot is supposed to be with the frame and all, I gat dat shitty frame still, but ANYWAY, I think that the Carbon's a real nice skate and as much as it's not customizable or indestructable, you have to admit it's a sexy skate.
withoutname 00 says (23 May 2009)

i heard that skates is a shit and is not durable at 4 months these will a crap...

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Category: Skates
Brand: Deshi
Model: Carbon Skate

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