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Member Since: 20 Mar 2008Last Seen: 07 Aug 2014
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115 Comments By 3M3M
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18 Mar 2010 comment on USD Carbon 1 black
nice, but to bad frame and wheels fucks up black/yellow color way.
nice, but to bad frame and wheels fucks up black/yellow color way.
06 Mar 2010 comment on CH 1 Deshi
they are ch1 gray not black... anyway looks good except toung b4 buckle. 6/6
they are ch1 gray not black... anyway looks good except toung b4 buckle. 6/6
02 Mar 2010 comment on Usd Carbon White
wow, look realy good, one of few usd carbon/deshi carbon setups which i dig.
wow, look realy good, one of few usd carbon/deshi carbon setups which i dig.
its '97 what did u hope for, carbon like skate? :D if i could i would like to try them again, they was my first skates.