Billy ONeill LE

Billy O'Neill LE boot, Sifika O'Neill Liners, GC Formula 1 frames, crap Bearings, M1 Rachard wheels. FYI: The Pumps dont do shit but still a decent liner....... -


nevernotrolling 00 says (21 Apr 2008)

<P>ive just ordered thos skates from eRolling, i cant wait to skate them they look so sick!<BR><BR><BR></P>
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (23 Apr 2008)

look like junk...... and btw... fuck off hater, all you do is write negative comments in every single one of your posts. fuking noob....
kirk 00 says (23 Apr 2008)

If you think that skate looks like junk then you're a fuckin retard dude..... and my comments aren't negative, they're honest. If I think a skate is ugly then I'm going to say so. love you. nice name Ivan STI.... what a geek.....
kirk 00 says (23 Apr 2008)

Awwww, Did I hurt your feelings Ivan. You drew all over your skates with markers and I called them ugly. I called your skates Junk so you call mine junk. Your sad man. Maybe If you spent more time skating and less time moding your 10 pairs of skates you wouldnt suck so bad!!! If you think my skates are junk then you're retarded. Those my friend, are pure hotness, not over modified crap... Nice name by the way... Ivan STI, you're a joke dude.................
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (23 Apr 2008)

LOL you are so loving funny it's unbelievable!!!! jajajaj you are just a jealous under age punk who thinks the internet is his best friend... even tripping about my name jajajajjaja god you sure like to hate!!! jajaja get a life kid... you need it...
kirk 00 says (24 Apr 2008)

Im 100% sure im older then you think I am, so go call someone else Kid Mr Ivan STD.... Ive been skating for years dude... Look, if you cant handle someone calling your skates ugly then take em down. Im done with you clown. Go play with your markers friend.
kirk 00 says (24 Apr 2008)

Look man, if you cant handle someone saying your skates are ugly then take them down. Your being such a woman. Im done with you dude, write a million more posts, this is the last response you'll get. you know you're the one who cried because I called your skates ugly.. Go play with your markers man. FYI, I've prob been skating since you were a baby, so save the "kid" crap for spmeone who cares.......... Later Ivan STD, who laughs with a jaja??? what country are you from man??????? you have issues dude...........
Ivan STI
Ivan STI 00 says (24 Apr 2008)

well you posted again on my skates so you certainly don't keep your word... And btw if you were skating 26 years ago then props to you, I'm sure you're a pro.. and no I'm not a dumb american like you who the entire world hates for their lack of vision, and blunt stupidity...
kirk 00 says (24 Apr 2008)

I think I commented on your skates before I wrote that last comment or maybe Im just a dirty Liar, lol....I'm Canadian man.... anyway, enough hate.... I just like my skates simple....Take care dude........
buyingrazors 00 says (18 May 2008)

they suit the xsjado frames suprisingly well tbh. there nice :)
stubbsy 00 says (23 Jun 2008)

they're GC F1s, not xsjado. nice one sonny. [quote=buyingrazors]they suit the xsjado frames suprisingly well tbh. there nice :)[/quote]
kirk 00 says (23 Jun 2008)

oooops, thats actually my fault... I put new frames on, I used to have a pic with Xsjado Mooks posted. When I got new frames i switched the pic...........
606streetsoldier 00 says (08 Jul 2008)

im american, we have hotdogs and blondes :)
kirk 00 says (15 Aug 2008)

i havent ever tried the fkuids, but they cant possibly be better then the F1s. These frames are so sweet. Its like you can grind anything.......

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Brand: USD
Model: UFS Throne

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Uploaded: 21 Apr 2008
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