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Member Since: 21 Apr 2008Last Seen: 21 Apr 2008
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35 Comments By kirk
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23 Jun 2008 comment on Billy ONeill LE
oooops, thats actually my fault... I put new frames on, I used to have a pic with Xsjado Mooks posted. When I got new frames i switched the pic...........
oooops, thats actually my fault... I put new frames on, I used to have a pic with Xsjado Mooks posted. When I got new frames i switched the pic...........
23 Jun 2008 comment on USD Leo2
cool skate... did u have any problems putting those frames on??? my mooks didnt't wanna fir on my thrones. i had to modify some stuff. pissed me off.
cool skate... did u have any problems putting those frames on??? my mooks didnt't wanna fir on my thrones. i had to modify some stuff. pissed me off.
23 Jun 2008 comment on BIlly ONeill
sick skate... i have the silver cuffs too. white was better.... did you have any problems putting those frames on. i have the same frames and they were impossible to get on....
sick skate... i have the silver cuffs too. white was better.... did you have any problems putting those frames on. i have the same frames and they were impossible to get on....
i havent ever tried the fkuids, but they cant possibly be better then the F1s. These frames are so sweet. Its like you can grind anything.......