SkateSetup's Profile
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Member Since: 17 Apr 2011Last Seen: 17 Oct 2011
403 Uploads Total
121 Comments By SkateSetup
SkateSetups latest comments
106-110 out of 121 comments
21 Feb 2007 comment on Valo TV1 Fashion
The 5th element skate is one of my all time favourites. The liner was really comfy and long lasting
The 5th element skate is one of my all time favourites. The liner was really comfy and long lasting
21 Feb 2007 comment on Roces Big Cat
HHAAH Are you kidding me. I always wanted those so bad. Do you still have them
HHAAH Are you kidding me. I always wanted those so bad. Do you still have them
I <3 Remz :D