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Member Since: 14 May 2008Last Seen: 10 May 2021
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22 Comments By punkpc
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09 Nov 2008 comment on RB Dirks or CE Chocolates
what size are these? I would love to get these to do the mod like Thisissoul did.
what size are these? I would love to get these to do the mod like Thisissoul did.
13 Oct 2008 comment on Farmer 2 for sale
I have some Deshi harmanus CH1's size 11's I would trade if you interested.
I have some Deshi harmanus CH1's size 11's I would trade if you interested.
28 Aug 2008 comment on bunch of skateparts
you want to sell any of that stuff? I could use the crank straps badly!!!
you want to sell any of that stuff? I could use the crank straps badly!!!
Its a old razor cult shell so you might not have to good of luck with a Deshi soul plates on them. Deshi's have a flat bottom, and the Nimh it arched like a Roces, Valo or Cult. You might be able to use a Valo Soul.