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Member Since: 18 May 2008Last Seen: 18 May 2008
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12 Aug 2008 comment on Rob Minton39s or Vinny Thompson39s
The Sikika's are size 10.5 and the salo's are 10.
The Sikika's are size 10.5 and the salo's are 10.
11 Aug 2008 comment on Rob Minton39s or Vinny Thompson39s
Im putting some able freestyle frames and 4x4 lennens on next week and hopefully in two weeks some moonshine souls. Its a work in progress.
Im putting some able freestyle frames and 4x4 lennens on next week and hopefully in two weeks some moonshine souls. Its a work in progress.
11 Aug 2008 comment on OStwo for sale
correct white.night is. Sicwitit, i emailed you but u never replied. tough titty. and when i think of it. it would of cost a pretty penny to ship these to canada. i shipped some kizer elements to CA and it cost about $23. you could get these new in the box for a few dollars more.
correct white.night is. Sicwitit, i emailed you but u never replied. tough titty. and when i think of it. it would of cost a pretty penny to ship these to canada. i shipped some kizer elements to CA and it cost about $23. you could get these new in the box for a few dollars more.
05 Aug 2008 comment on Rollerblade NEW boot
<br>the - on these are about the same size as the +<br><img src="" border="0"><br>see<br>they look sick from this angle<br>and i think RB is going in the right direction, more concerned about how it skates compared to looks.<br>when these come out i bet they will sell like hot cakes.<br><br>
<br>the - on these are about the same size as the +<br><img src="" border="0"><br>see<br>they look sick from this angle<br>and i think RB is going in the right direction, more concerned about how it skates compared to looks.<br>when these come out i bet they will sell like hot cakes.<br><br>
how much for the dual plates and m1's?