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Member Since: 08 Jun 2008Last Seen: 08 Jun 2008
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12 Comments By star3
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09 Jun 2008 comment on Nils Extrem Biatches
yeah right:)) make me are really retarded:))
yeah right:)) make me are really retarded:))
09 Jun 2008 comment on Nils Extrem Biatches feels good when grinding....a lil bit too much noise....but it feels good feels good when grinding....a lil bit too much noise....but it feels good
09 Jun 2008 comment on Nils Extrem Biatches
with the wheels it`s a bit difficult because they are fitness wheels.The black bolt is there because i`ve lost the original one but it helps because the friction is reduced.
with the wheels it`s a bit difficult because they are fitness wheels.The black bolt is there because i`ve lost the original one but it helps because the friction is reduced.
08 Jun 2008 comment on Nils Extrem Biatches
it`s obvious that you stubbsy and rasta are some kind of loosers. You both post on the same topics. lovein` lamers.
it`s obvious that you stubbsy and rasta are some kind of loosers. You both post on the same topics. lovein` lamers.
you did wake up after a few years you little stupid. this is how it is spelled the name by the manufacturer. so go take your brain-cap and we`ll talk later