arschpirat's Profile
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Member Since: 07 Apr 2007Last Seen: 13 Apr 2007
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23 Comments By arschpirat
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arschpirats latest comments
16-20 out of 23 comments
14 Nov 2007 comment on TRS Detail - Downtown I
screw a red cuff on them and they will look porno!! how is the flex with razors cuffs and reign liners sees phili
screw a red cuff on them and they will look porno!! how is the flex with razors cuffs and reign liners sees phili
10 Nov 2007 comment on Dunkles with Able frames
put on some gray souls!! it would look amazing if you havent dyed the skin and put on gray souls!!love dunkles!! cya
put on some gray souls!! it would look amazing if you havent dyed the skin and put on gray souls!!love dunkles!! cya
09 Nov 2007 comment on xsjado basic custom
haven´t skate the dual injections but hilos and murdas,and the suspensions are away more comfortable! its awesome to skate so fast with some really shity wheels, and fulltorques/royales are so nice! sers phili
haven´t skate the dual injections but hilos and murdas,and the suspensions are away more comfortable! its awesome to skate so fast with some really shity wheels, and fulltorques/royales are so nice! sers phili
i think the frames are salomon not sure but it looks like they will !! í ride my xsjado also with salo frames good choice!