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City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 11 Jun 2008
Last Seen: 11 Jun 2008
8 Uploads Total
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UFS Throne Xsjado Soulplates
VII Team with Classic Soulplates
USD Carlos Pianowski Legacy
Deshi CH Black and White
Deshi CH Black and White
Deshi CH Black and White
Deshi CH Black and White


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TheConference.orgs latest comments

1-4 out of 4 comments
VII Team with Classic Soulplates
26 Jul 2009 comment on VII Team with Classic Soulplates

These are classic throne soulplates, so yes! the VII and grycon have the same base
UFS Throne Xsjado Soulplates
24 Jul 2009 comment on UFS Throne Xsjado Soulplates

Knet said he just sanded down the inside of the xsjado plate on the side a little and they worked easy.
Deshi CH Black and White
01 Jul 2008 comment on Deshi CH Black and White

Get the smaller size Xsjado plate, some call it the S some call it the M, but in reality it is the M. Definately look better on a size 9. a L looks like duck feet.
USD Carlos Pianowski Legacy
12 Jun 2008 comment on USD Carlos Pianowski Legacy

They are mine actually! I wanted a pair of those Venom 08 so bad but they sold out at the warehouse. I know the Legacy isnt the most popular skate out there but I totally love them. Im a Deshi skater, but if i skated any other skate it would be the legacy for sure. So fast sliding, long lasting, supportive and incredible for torque slides and that. If i had any complaint i would say the soulplates are too thick, but as you can see in the pic i messed about with them quite a bit, it didnt make that much diference but it was fun, haha. Nah, but i love them skates.

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