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Member Since: 26 Jun 2008Last Seen: 26 Jun 2008
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9 Comments By whitenight
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whitenights latest comments
1-5 out of 9 comments
12 Oct 2008 comment on Brandon Campbell 1
so sick but have fun trying to grind with the wheels in the way
so sick but have fun trying to grind with the wheels in the way
16 Sep 2008 comment on Murda 2
[highlight=#cccccc]where did you get these and it looks to me like those are 03 remz in that box?[/highlight]
[highlight=#cccccc]where did you get these and it looks to me like those are 03 remz in that box?[/highlight]
26 Aug 2008 comment on FOR SALE 210..will ship
I will buy the shells for 100 cuz thats all I got, or will you take trades?
I will buy the shells for 100 cuz thats all I got, or will you take trades?
what the fuck.