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Member Since: 10 Apr 2007Last Seen: 14 Mar 2012
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47 Comments By Bhunter
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31-35 out of 47 comments
06 May 2007 comment on Spizers 2
LOL There real, but there all black now except for the midsoul being the same color they were.
LOL There real, but there all black now except for the midsoul being the same color they were.
03 May 2007 comment on Razors Shima 6
are they the best. I've had 2.5 (I got a frame for parts) now I only have one pair and there done.
are they the best. I've had 2.5 (I got a frame for parts) now I only have one pair and there done.
those don't look like team Frames they look like Ian McCloud frames