Arctic roller's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jun 2008Last Seen: 11 Feb 2014
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50 Comments By Arctic roller
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Arctic rollers latest comments
46-50 out of 50 comments
29 Jun 2008 comment on K2 Yatsutoko Pro model
They came out in 2005, same year as K2 decided to downsize our sport! I.E: they never made the marketplace making them verry rare indeed...
They came out in 2005, same year as K2 decided to downsize our sport! I.E: they never made the marketplace making them verry rare indeed...
29 Jun 2008 comment on FSK 03 tracker Quads
[quote=xlarge]why does every1 flip their skateboard wheels so that the graphics faces inwards? can someone explain to me since i dont see any point to it? unless you wanna protect your graphics? [/quote] No particular reason other than they where worn, so I fliped them. Practical!
[quote=xlarge]why does every1 flip their skateboard wheels so that the graphics faces inwards? can someone explain to me since i dont see any point to it? unless you wanna protect your graphics? [/quote] No particular reason other than they where worn, so I fliped them. Practical!
[highlight=#cccccc]This looks alot like the new Rollerblade skate coming out soon![/highlight]