RollerbladerJordan's Profile
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2008Last Seen: 17 May 2011
15 Uploads Total
35 Comments By RollerbladerJordan
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RollerbladerJordans latest comments
26-30 out of 35 comments
12 Sep 2008 comment on EB1 Valo
The frames are too small for that boot they look like a medium frame on a Size 10 or 11 Boot?
The frames are too small for that boot they look like a medium frame on a Size 10 or 11 Boot?
12 Sep 2008 comment on Valo JJ 1 Canvas
Look Unreal,very nice skate,and yes you can fit Jug liner in,i dont know about the flexability though,sorry
Look Unreal,very nice skate,and yes you can fit Jug liner in,i dont know about the flexability though,sorry
These Look Amazing!